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AM student who wants to compete but AM wont let
Posted by buffy
8/23/2013  4:50:00 PM
I am an AM student who wants to compete, but the AM franchisee won't let any of his teachers in his studios compete in any competitions other than AM's and they are usually out of state which becomes costly. I do like my teacher, but can't pay for him to go to out of AM competition. Should I just leave and find an independent ? That means starting all over again.
Re: AM student who wants to compete but AM wont le
Posted by ladydance
8/24/2013  7:31:00 AM
Yes, leave and never look back. You will be starting all over again but hopefully some of your training will make the process easier. Your costs will be much less at an independent studio and you will have complete control over how much you spend and where you go to compete. AM's often can't compete in the real dance world and they don't want their students finding out how little they know when they have paid so much. You won't be sorry.

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